Gills N Bills

Jason Barbknecht is the founder, owner and guide for Gills N Bills. Jason grew up in rural MN, starting his hunting career at 10 years old by cleaning up his grandfather's pastures in ND of gophers. After high school Jason joined the Marine Corps and after Desert storm become a bowhunter and learning how to hunt in new areas around the country. While in The Marines Jason met his wife Sandi and they have 2 sons now. After the Marines Jason spent time in the Indiana Army National Guard as a member of their competitive shooting team. Jason was able to travel and learn more hunting skills in even more of the country. IN 1999 Jason then transferred to the Indiana Air National Guard were he did several jobs. He started as a munitions technician then a parachute rigger, moving on to be a survival instructor and finally ending back in munitions were he retired with a total of 30 years of service. For the most part Jason runs the Gills N Bills operation, with a little help from his wife Sandi. When not Guiding Jason spends his free time working on the skills that make him a better guide for you. Summers are spent on the lake fishing with his wife and bowfishing with his sons. The fall is very busy but there is always time to get a hunt in with his boys as well. Jason's oldest son still serves with the Indiana Air National Guard as a sheet metal mechanic on A-10 Aircraft. Noah the youngest son was paralyzed at at 15 which has mad it possible for Jason to understand the needs and be successful at guiding individuals with mobility difficulty or that need the use of a wheel chair.
Gills N Bills started in 2010 with the plan of one day retiring from the military and only being a guide and outfitter. In June of 2020 that happened.
Jason has a total of over 40 years of hunting experience in 23 different states and 3 countries, 30 years of military training with 6 deployments, 15 years bowfishing and 114 years as a guide to make your experience the best he can.